28: Peaks, troughs and triggers


It was one of those weekends which I had been looking forward to for the last 5 days. I knew that I was going to spend some quality time with one of my best friends, and I was going to go shopping, eat nice food and drink nice wine, go for a long walk in my favourite part of London, and laugh a lot.

Continue reading “28: Peaks, troughs and triggers”

23: Friday fun-day: Putting the positive pants on.


Today is Friiiiiidaaaayyyy and I am in a great mood. Why Chloe, you ask, are you so smiley and happy today? Because, dear reader, I have chosen to be! Simple. As.

I have been through a range of emotions this week; which is something I am sure that we all familiar with.

Continue reading “23: Friday fun-day: Putting the positive pants on.”

8: Friday fun-day!


It’s the end of another January working week – huzzah! Well done for making it this far and remember, you are awesome for simply being able to get to the weekend, even if the prospect of sobriety looms… (Sorry Francesco – it’s my Mums birthday this weekend, I’m having some wine tomorrow whether your diet approves or not!)

Continue reading “8: Friday fun-day!”